Thursday, August 11, 2011

Feeling pretty good

First of all I have wonderful news! I had an MRI Monday evening to have scans of my brain, cervical, lumbar and thoracic spine basically half of my body. I was so excited to know that I was going to have the fast machine! Woo hoo!!! That means that instead of taking about 4 hours on the slow evil machine it would only take a little bit under 2 hours on the super awesome fast machine. The difference is in the software not the machine. You would think that all of the machines would have the same software. They would be able to save people the pain of having to be still for so long and they could see more patients. There is not much to do while you're getting an MRI done. Especially if you have to have a brain scan, they won't allow you to listen to any music and they don't have a radio they can play. It would be very hard to hear it anyway given how loud the machine is! 

Most of the time I use it for a time of prayer or singing in my head. One of my favorite singing adventures is to try to remember the songs we used to sing at church as a little kid such as the B-I-B-L-E,  fuzzy little catapillar, if the devil doesn't like it you get the picture. This time I decided to make up names for the different sounds that I hear.

Here are the ones I remember:

  • yummy
  • vibrating circle
  • machine gun
  • pulse 7 respond 7
  • cardiac arrest CPR - 
  • get up alarm
  • yippie
  • get em up bill
  • the bubbler
  • annoying beep do do
  • do it alarm
  • start up
  • fozzie bear (waka waka)

MRI comparison (Feb and April)

MRI (Aug)
I am heartless

The doctor told me I was stable! There has been no new growth! Praise God!!!!!  I am still having issues with headaches on occasion and found out that my ventricles in my brain are a lot smaller than they should be. It is most likely to be caused by my shunt because it is not set to the correct setting. In order to adjust it they would have to do another surgery and there is no way to assure it will be set to the right pressure this time either. The headaches are manageable and I would rather not have to undergo another surgery, even if I think scars are really cool and tell some fun or interesting tale.

I often get very cold during the infusion. The liquid medicines they are infusing into your body are often room temperature or slightly cool from just coming out of a refrigerator. They are not going to be warming you up. I asked my nurse Justin to bring me another blanket to put around my shoulders and this is what he came up with. I felt like one of those old women who people would go to to for her healing powers. Or a wise woman who people would travel all around the world, maybe just very long distance, to inquire of their upcoming life or advice on things that are happening currently.

Thank you all for your continued support and prayers to our God! He is the great physician the master healer. He has changed my heart and moved me into a closer relationship with Him. If I didn't have this struggle in my life I don't believe I would have the same faith I have now. As christians we are not promised that we will have an easy life on this earth it's actually opposite he guarantees that we will have struggles. And I pray that in every struggle I (you) will look to God for his strength and shelter under his wings. God is love, He cares for us and is always with us. He's just a prayer away!

1 comment:

  1. This one was powerful too!!! Your such a fighter Megan!!! <3 <3 ~ Cherelle
