Tuesday, September 6, 2011


For those of you who don't know, One Day More comes from the musical Les Mesirables which is a play based on the book by Victor Hugo. I haven't read the book, I own it but never got around to reading it. I've been really excited to see it, I've had to wait a very very very long time. We purchased the tickets back in December of 2010. In February, when my doctor told me the bad news regarding my cancer, I was afraid that I might not even be able to make it to the show. But as I reflect on it now, even if I did not have cancer I might not have made it. Life is unpredictable we never know what is going to happen in our lives.

So I am very thankful that God kept blessing me with One Day More, which is one of the themes of the book. I went in to the show not knowing much about the story line but I was very pleasantly surprised at how one of the central theme was forgiveness. Being forgiven and forgiving others. When I first got to the theatre I wasn't feeling all that well and I had a headache but after the show was over I realized "I feel good! I don't have a headache!" I think it's amazing how God can use so many kinds of media. I feel that He has been relaxing and rejuvinating me through through the art therapy class I have been attending along with the the play. I like using that portion of my brain.

I had an appointment with my oncologist on Tuesday nothing too exciting except for the fact that... NO MORE STEROIDS!!!!!! I GET MY FACE BACK!!!! I am going to have to wean off them, but they are going to be going away Lord willing, most of it depends on how I feel as I am taking myself off of them. It was a long day. My appointment was at 2 and I knew I would be having my lomustine and that I would need to take it on an empty stomach therefore I ate lunch around 11:30 before we left for Denver. Well we got there and I didn't get to see the doctor until after 3 and it was close to 4 before we made it over to infusion and my anti-nausea. I then had to wait 30 minutes to take the lomustine, after I took the lomustine and had to wait at least an hour to eat. I was done with my infusion and I was hungry! It was about time for rush hour traffic and we had an hour to get to the Smith's.

On our way up to Wanda and Stacey's I found out that Laura and I had a miscommunication that would end up changing the plans that I had made for the week. I was done with it, I didn't want to think anymore, I didn't want to plan anymore, I was silent not knowing what to think or do. I had to stop, I needed to stop going towards something being so unsure of what was going to happen. I was hungry, I was tired, I wanted to stop moving. Mom pulled off the highway so we could collect our thoughts and figure out what to do. Got in touch with the Smith's and they agreed to take me into Denver on Thursday evening. I am so unbelieveably thankful for this family they are such servants of God willing to help out those in need. They have such great faith and trust in His will for their lives I am also so very impressed by how they are raising their children, they make a wonderful team. They have such great faith and trust in His will for their lives going on one day more.

Wednesday I spent most of my day in an RV up at 8,500 feet. I went walking by myself on one of the trails and took a wrong step, stumbled and rolled down the hill a little bit. I was scared and I can still remember the swirls of debris that went by in those couple of seconds. I am so very thankful that I was fine and no scratches or bruises. However I ended up getting dirt all down in my jeans, it was not very fun climbing back up the hill. I think next time I will bring a walking stick and wear spandex.

While I was in Denver we went to visit the botanical gardens. They had such beautiful flowers from around the world. I was once again awed by the degree of intricacy that God has but into His creation. How there can be so many varieties of the same flower along with coloration. I wish it had not been so hot that day. I did have trouble really enjoying the scenery all around me due to the heat. But I am thankful for the wheel chair that they carted me around in so that I didn't have to wear myself out too much.

As Laura and I were driving up to Fort Collins I wasn't feeling that well so I was trying to do my best to rest. I was looking out my window and I saw a rainbow, a full rainbow, no, two full rainbows, one of which was a reverse rainbow. It was so majestic. I couldn't stop looking at it. God remembers us, He is thinking of us! And then after awhile some clouds came in and to me it looked like there was a dinosaur vomiting up a rainbow. Just take a second and get creative with me. As I kept looking at it and taking pictures it looked as if a dove with rainbow in tow was flying into the mouth or the dinosaur to destroy it.   What amazing symbolism I thought to myself this great big giant beast (Satan) and a beautiful dove (God and a symbol of love) going in to battle with the beast because of His love for us. Every day there are unseen battles between the demons on this earth and with God and his angels for our lives. Fight that battle too against those demons that are speaking lies in our ears. Fight against those demons One More Day. GOD IS VERY NEAR

I forgot how much I loved puzzles. While I was at the doctors waiting mom and I worked on a puzzle. We didn't get it finished :( Well one day Laura and I went to the thrift store and I ended up purchasing 5 puzzles. Mom, Laura and I took the 100 piece puzzles and had a race to see who could finish first. Laura won, she's good!

I was watching the track and field world championships earlier this week. It is amazing to see how fast they can run, how they push themselves. How amazing God is in how He fashioned our bodies, that they can accomplish such feats. The athletes have really conditioned themselves to prepare for this race. Even though not every one is an athlete we still need to train like one. We need to condition our heart, mind and spirit to finish this race called life so that we can cross underneath those pearly gates to hear Him say those beautiful words well done my good and faithful servant.  I've seen several people take some stumbles but they get back up and continue their pursuits. No matter the outcomes they are ready for One Day More of training to reach for their goal.

I have pictures but I've been trying for almost two hours now to edit them which I was able to figure out how to do some of it but not all I wanted to but then I could not figure out how to get them uploaded on here. I am very frustrated right now.... grrrrrr..... pictures will come eventually... I am moving on to my next task for the day!

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