Sunday, September 19, 2010

Maybe I'm pushing myself too hard

It's been a hectic week with working, infusions, bible study, spending time with people and attempting to find me time and time to rest. I feel like I have so many different things that I have to get done, but I don't have near enough time in the day nor enough energy to do them all. I feel as if nothing gets all of my full attention or even my full ability because I have to reserve.

I try to make sure work and God stay a top priority but I have noticed that the exercising portion of my health gets put on the complete back burner because I am typically too exhausted to do it by the time I'm done with work. So work gets to wait this week and I'm going back to my reading my Bible in the morning and then going on walks. I need my body to be healthy in order to handle treatments better.

Had a meeting for my fellowship and got to talking to the biologist professor, who specializes in neuroscience, about my treatment. He didn't have great things to say about the avastin I am taking. He asked if I could bring in my scans so he could take a look at them. I plan on getting them when I go in for my next infusion in a little over a week.

My infusion wasn't the most fun thing of the day. They had to poke me 5 times before they got it to work. My infusion was scheduled for 3:00 and they didn't even get me started until around 5:00. The company however was great! Trisha and Ariel came with me. In order to avoid the rush hour traffic we went to dinner at Macaroni grill.

I went to my high school on Wednesday and did the modeling migration activity with the freshman science class. I was so proud of myself and how stern I was with them. Kate, the teacher I work with, told me I was a lot better at taking control and handling the class in order to keep them in line as opposed to letting her take over. I do know that last year I let her be the disciplinary but this year I'm taking charge (at least for when I'm giving lessons)!

Thursday and Friday I worked on my research project and then Friday drove down to spend some time with Laura. Saturday we went to old Colorado City and walked around for a little while but I just wasn't having a good day. We ate at an Ethopian restaurant which the name translated into English meant God with! It was so amazing to learn that, the people that worked there were great and had such beautiful hearts.

Went to church with Laura this morning and then came back home rested and then went to work to try to finish up my data analysis.

I actually used my horn today. I don't use it very often but I used it toward a couple of bikers. They decided they didn't have to abide by the rules of the road. We were at the stop light and they had a red light and I had a green turn light and they went ahead and went on through. So I honked at them cause they made me mad. If you are riding a bike on the roads abide by the same rules cars use! It's the law!

Smile maker for my day: Got a free smoothie because their cash register was broken mmm acai berry!

Friday, September 10, 2010

I took the day off today

Last week I watched the movie letters to God, not exactly the best movie for me to watch but I did. I went in knowing that it was going to make me cry and originally I wasn't going to watch it by myself but I love watching inspirational movies. For those of you who don't know it is about a little boy who has brain cancer who writes letters to God. I definately cried. But it also inspired me to be more open about my prayer life and for me to be more active in my prayer life and journaling. No matter how we talk to him, whether through prayer or letters we should always be in constant communication with Him.

I spent my week working!!! I went to work all day Monday and Tuesday and Wednesday and Thursday and I took the day off today!!! I felt decent but decided I needed to be careful and not overdo it. So I spent the day watching Chuck one of my roommates favorite TV shows. It was pretty good I enjoyed watching it. I ended up watching the whole first season today. But I did other things while I was watching it. I cleaned and I did my back and core exercises. I worked hard on them today for 45 minutes!!!! Honestly I should be doing these exercises every day. I'm not sure about being able to do 45 minutes daily but I need to be doing them more often. I have to admit that because I was working so hard this week I neglected them. But one of the reasons I stayed home today is because I know I need to work on the health of my body, so I made sure I had enough energy to do it. I also went on a walk today and walked 1.1 miles, it took me a little over 30 minutes. The weather was absolutely amazing!!! Perfect temperature along with just a slight breeze.

I was also really excited when I heard from an old friend (we were back side twins, people found it difficult to tell us apart from the back) in a text asking how I was doing. We ended up getting a chance to talk on the phone for awhile and she told me she was pregnant! I'm so excited for her and her husband!!

I'm excited for the next several weeks. This Tuesday is our last bible study on 90 days with Jesus. The next Tuesday we are going to watch the passion of Christ. I know it's a tough, gruesome, sad movie but it is a good portrayal and reminder of what Chris endured for us so that we can have forgiveness of our sins.

Something crazy happened today I was at home watching Chuck as you all know and I heard a loud crash and thud along with screeching. Cherelle asked what fell as I was getting up and I said I'm pretty sure there was just an accident. Right in front of our house was a stopped car and as the woman was getting out she said something just hit me. She wasn't sure exactly what it was. There was smoke through out the air and debri all over the road. Further down the road I heard yelling "don't get up, don't move" and there was a man lying over in the grass on the opposite side of the road. Within seconds it seemed as if the whole couple of blocks were all outside. Turns out a motorcyclist was driving too fast clipped the edge of someones bumper which caused him and his bike to go flying. You might be thinking okay Megan why tell this story in your blog... Well the crash happened around the stop sign at the entrance to my apartment complex.... the guy landed 200 yards away! That's a long way and he was trying to move after it happened. Cherelle and I went back in and prayed for him.

Later this evening I got a call from my roommate Kelly asking what was going on because the road was closed and she couldn't get home. Turns out they closed off the road to document all the debri and everything. The crash happened around 6:30 and it's now 11 and from what I can see based on where their flood lights are they are only half way done documenting everything.