Saturday, June 26, 2010

In recovery

I believe I forgot to mention that my friends Wanda and Stacey and their two little boys came to visit too while I was in the hospital.

So after Laura left after staying with me my first night being home after surgery my mom was able to come up. It was really great having her here and getting to spend some quality time with her, even though I wasn't up to doing much.

Her last day here we were just chilling reading Psalms and the idea came to us of visiting Laura down in CO Springs, so we called her and told her we were coming. She tried to convince us we shouldn't but we insisted. So we spend Saturday afternoon running errands with her and then spent the night and went to church with her in Monument. Mom had to leave that Sunday evening so we said our goodbyes.

I saw my doctors on Wednesday. Jana, Kayla, and Caitlyn came down with me. My doctor wants me to continue to take it easy for another two weeks :( but I'm trying to spend some of that time taking it easy preparing for orals. On our drive down Caitlyn asked if she could take out my staples and I told her I would let her as long as it was okay with my doctor but I gave her a forewarning that if it hurt I was going to hit her. When my doctor asked me if I had anymore questions I asked him if Caits could do it and he was more than happy to let her. She did such a great job! I didn't have to hit her! I felt extra special because Colin (my doctor) told me that he and Dr. Lillihei miss seeing me and told me to tell them when my next appointment was with Dr. Dameck and they would do their best to stop by and say hi!! My doctors are awesome!!!

Met with Dr. Dameck also, she had a new resident with her, his first rotation ever, and I was his first patient. I tried to be nice. His name was Zoran and he was from Chezchoslovakia and was nervous. Poor guy, he did great though! Dr. said my labs look fine and to start my chemo whenever I get it. Which is a problem. They got it called into the pharmacy on Thursday but the pharmacy is not cooperating and although I have called several times they still hadn't gotten my perscription filled... I'm not happy about it. I won't be able to talk to anyone until Monday and I need to start it by Wednesday at the latest!

This week there was a marriage matters seminar at church and so I, although single, went to it. It wasn't just about marriage, they talked about having a servant heart, parenting, communication along with several other things. It taught me a lot about myself along with my parents. A little piece of information I learned is that your personality and core beliefs are pretty much set by the time you are 7, can you believe that?! We've just barely begun to live life at that age?!

I won't go into detail about the seminar but will leave you with some quotes from it for you all to consider:
  • It's not the perfection of our life that matters but the direction
  • Anything that God makes good satan can make bad :(
  • Realize that God may have more than you dream for your life
  • Stop looking at the event that caused hurt in your life, start looking THROUGH it to the potential blessing
  • There is forgiveness for ALL THINGS for ALL PEOPLE
  • Even sinners were comfortable in the presence of Christ
  • The greatest legacy you can leave for your children is your faith and your love for your spouse
  • When talking about ones personality Not right, not wrong, just different
  • Find your deepest pain and turn it into God's glory
  • When a young couple gets married it is as if her mother marries his father
  • The only thing you can control is your response
  • Just because it is realistic in the real world does not mean that it is realistic in your marriage
  • The greatest courage in life is to find out who our true selves are
  • Be kind to EVERYONE that you meet because everyone of them is fighting their own personal battle in some way
  • God will not create a relationship that would compete with our relationship with Him
  • Hope that your children are better parents than you are... allowing them to follow the strengths and correct the weaknesses
  • Fight for your marriage because no one else will
Hope you all take these to heart.

Psalms 57:10 O how great the love of our eteranal Father is!! How far away are His heavens? That is how much his love for us is! His love is beyond our comprehension!!!

To God be ALL the glory for I can do nothing without Him and I am nothing without Him.


  1. Hey, dear Measterly. I hope that you keep taking it easy and continue to feel better and better! :) I was wondering how you were doing, and behold, you posted! I'm sure you'll be well prepared for your oral exam. It was very nice of you to be kind to the resident. They can have a rough time with the attendings, believe me!

    We're doing alright, but our stuff is *still* in TN. (They didn't get it delivered when they told me they would. Not cool. But we're staying with my parents, so it's worked out fine, and it's nice to get to visit them!)

    I love my measterly!

  2. Sarah,

    I hope you and Jeff have gotten your furniture and have been able to move into your new place. It was probably a blessing in disguise that it didn't arrive on time so that you could spend more time with your family. Anyway send me your new address and phone number!!!

    Love my smcauley!
